TJR, Goal Setting & a Whole Lotta Self-Lovin
February is the month of a whole lotta lovin'. And first things first, I want to share my utter love for you for coming back to my blog and checking out what I did over the last month. And oh, I have been busy.
February is the shortest month, but it felt jam-packed... from heading back to Essex for a breath of countryside air, to learning my love language, to practising daily acts of self-care.
2023. 12 chapters. Let's do this.
My favourite habit is goal setting
Did you know statistically 80% of people give up on their NY resolutions by February? Well, not in this house. I am a little goal-getter and wanted to discuss my goals for this month
Read 4 books
I am currently in my TJR (Taylor Jenkins Reid) Era, and she just has a way with words. One True Loves moved me to tears and I needed at least 3 working days to recover from the heartbreak. Also, any fellow Taylor Jenkins Reid fans run, don't walk to Amazon Prime in a week's time Daisy Jones & the Six will be out...
Commit to 1x act of self-love daily
No matter how small this act of self-love is: putting makeup on, making a cup of tea, running myself a bath, having a PJ day, lighting a candle and watching the new series of YOU on Netflix. It makes me feel better
Journal every AM & PM
My journalling peeps know how productive and clear journalling makes you feel about the day. From writing daily gratitude, time blocking and writing your to-do list, to meal prep and gym plan
Create 2x new reels weekly
I have been staying consistent with my content creation game, and I have been loving how creative I have been so far in 2023
Move my body daily & stay committed to 5x HGWs per week
I am living by including daily movement in my everyday routine and exercise has become a non-negotiable habit
Try a creative hobby
For Valentine's Day celebrations, Rhys and I did a candle-making class from Noah, and it was lots of fun and a great (solo) date night to get creative and not spend our evening scrolling on Tiktok
Eat healthy & stay hydrated
Water is that bish. Veggies are that bish. Homemade meals are that bish.
Love Language 101
During the month of love, I decided to sit down and research into what’s my preferred love languages and how I can show myself these or use these in my relationship- (see my graph below)
Learn your love language here.
Words of affirmation:
Practice daily affirmations: EG- · I am successful. · I am confident. · I am powerful. · I am strong
Journal 1) what you are grateful for, 2) what you love about yourself, 3) what would make today great
Positive self-talk. Sometimes its easier to talk shit about yourself, every morning look in the mirror and tell yourself 2 things you love about yourself (1 appearance, 1 personality)
Acts of service:
Cook healthy meals. And enjoy the tasty hard work
Stay organised and clean. There are many mental benefits to decluttering, take 15 mins per day for a quick clean
Shower yourself with love and care. Literally... grab a shower, some fancy body wash, and a face mask and enjoy
Receiving gifts:
Buy only what you love. I am a Starbies lover, and my serotonin levels fly when I have a sip of my iced latte- buy something that makes you smile
Invest in your brain. There are so many free platforms to learn something new, or maybe go to an IRL class (I have booked an earring-making class and buzzing to go!)
Treat yourself to a holiday- duh, who doesn't want to hop on a plane and explore different destinations of the world
Quality time:
Set aside time for daily mindfulness practices. Meditation is the shit, but doesn't have to be sitting in silence - I love walking meditations or taking time to think
Make time for leisure and hobbies. Something I've learnt in my unemployment journey, is hobbies are so amazing- from reading, painting, cooking, writing etc
Prioritise sleep and exercise. I should have this tattooed on me (lol)
Physical touch:
Stretch your muscles and give yourself a massage. Especially if you had a tough gym sesh
Release toxins by taking a hot bath. Me and a bubble bath- a modern day love story
Give yourself a spa treatment. I love a good face mask. eye lamination, tanning, and waxing my legs, a good way to save money

This Month’s Vibe: Self-love will fix all of your f***ing problems
This Month's Little Moments that Mean the Most: A HGW in the London sunshine, with a Starbies Iced Vanilla Oat Latte whilst listening to my go-to lifestyle podcasts
This Month’s Favourite: Healthy gut- healthy life, with the Biomel Complete Gut Belgian Chocolate Powder- tastes yum, and does some serious goodness
This Month’s Win: Being featured on a wellness podcast, where I talked about Lucky Girl Syndrome, daily habits and mindset when it comes to being unemployed. Check it out here
This Month’s Rec: Form App by Sami Clarke, as mentioned in my previous blog post, this is part of my workout split and I am obsessed (especially with how good I feel afterwards!)
This Month’s Motto: Everything works out in the end. If it hasn’t worked out yet, it’s not the end
And that's a wrap! If you can't wait another month for March's blog post, I got you! Keep up with The Life of Molly every day and check out my IG here!
Love Molly xoxo